Welcome to Aging Adventurist. I am attempting to do one adventure every day for the month of August, 31 days, 31 adventures, some big, some small, some physical, some mental. I hope you’ll come along, or join me!
Day 4: Wednesday, August 4
Blueberry picking/blueberry muffin baking
It’s been years since I picked blueberries, and never have I ventured to put them to use in a baked concoction. So when my daughter Livvy suggested it, I welcomed this as a low-stakes adventure that might yield some yummy results. (Thanks for the suggestion, Livvy!) I drove out to Sobieski Farm in Whately,
whose blueberry bushes were popping with ample pickings.
I filled a bucket with about 3 quarts of berries and headed home with thoughts of what they might become.
Adventure: Blueberry picking and baking.
Distance traveled: 14 mile one way driving, about 1/2 mile walking.
Challenges: Spotting blueberries ripe and sufficiently juicy for picking. Slight neck ache from carrying an increasingly heavy blueberry bucket.
Risks: Baking failure! Baking anything, especially in this recent humidity, is a precarious venture for the kitchen-hesitant.
Difficulty scale 1-10: 2.5
Highlights: I chose blueberry muffins for my baking adventure. (I also shared 1 1/2 quarts with friends and family, and froze another quart). I found what I thought to be a simple, safe recipe. I substituted brown sugar for white, and added extra blueberries for added juiciness. I followed all other ingredient amounts as instructed. Result: an aesthetic success. But, to be honest, a bit dry and not sweet enough. Adventure completed, lessons learned.