Who is this blog for anyway?

Aging Adventurist? Yes, I’m talking about you. And everyone.

Every single person alive is aging, obvs. And I don’t know anyone who doesn’t enjoy adventure. Adventure, that is, as in travel, exotic excursions, daring achievements and challenging forays, yes. But also just the adventure of life. The adventure of living, learning, growing, failing, getting up and trying again, and the endeavor of attempting to enjoy it all.

You might notice I call myself the Aging Adventurist as opposed to Adventurer. That’s intentional. Because this blog will be not only a documentation of adventures close to and far from home. It will also be a study of adventure: adventurism—what it is, who does it (hint: we all do), where we go, when, and foremost, why. Heck, we’ll even discuss Adventures in Aging.

It’s all adventure.

So thanks for visiting my blog and sharing the adventure of life!