August Adventure Month: Day I

Welcome to Aging Adventurist. I am attempting to do one adventure every day for the month of August, 31 days, 31 adventures, some big, some small, some physical, some mental. I hope you’ll come along, or join me!

Day I: Sunday, August 1
Sea kayaking, Cape Cod

My Day 1 adventure was a 5-mile kayak trip off of Mayo Beach in Wellfleet Bay, Cape Cod. It was an ideal, moderate outing to kick off my month of daily adventures – not too difficult, yet provided some minor thrills, beauty and conversation with seals, like this guy:

Adventure: Sea kayaking, Wellfleet, Cape Cod
Distance traveled: About 5 miles in 2 hours of paddling
Challenges: Navigating a strong incoming tide current/fighting 2-foot waves; traversing open water
Risks: Overturning in open water; drowning, obvs
Difficulty scale 1-10: 3.5
Highlights: Communing with seals in the middle of the bay. Floating in the sea (inlet). Gorgeous views of bay islands, wildlife and the distant shores. Decent shoulder workout when paddling against the tide.