August Adventure Month: Day 16

Welcome to Aging Adventurist. I am attempting to do one adventure every day for the month of August, 31 days, 31 adventures, some big, some small, some physical, some mental. I hope you’ll come along, or join me!

Day 16: Monday, August 16
Host a party

Originally, I had plans for a large party. In fact, when I was out on the adventure road riding my bike across the country, I had visions of a grand party with a hundred guests, all the people who followed along on social media sharing in a backyard barbecue, kegs tapped, music playing loud, congratulations flying through the air. But after returning home, I just didn’t have the energy for that grand of a soiree. So I settled for a smaller, more intimate affair with family and a few friends. Beers and ciders popped, burgers grilled, music played, the fire pit glowed and stories were shared. All had a good time. It was a party. Of a smaller sort, but a party just the same. It’s still possible a large, raucous party with a much broader group of friends looms in the future.

Adventure: Hosting a party.
Distance traveled: hundreds of feet paced back and forth between my house and back yard, for condiments, drinks, fire accessories, music-making instruments, etc.
Challenges: Maintaining a robust fire, making sure everyone is fed, sated and entertained, cleaning up afterward, keeping mosquitoes at bay.
Risks: That people will hate your party and deem you a poor host! Scary social interaction.
Difficulty scale 1-10: 4
Highlights: Sharing a summer evening with friends and family.